Monday, December 27, 2010

don't mess with dem birds...

this is NOT i repeat, NOT photoshopped. This picture was taken at Columbia University in new york. the pigeons were very aggressive, as you can see. i was attempting to get a picture of the library (because i am a Ghostbusters nerd) and in the amount of time it took for my phone to focus and take the picture, this bird got in my face, perfectly in frame! i did pull the picture into photoshop to adjust the levels and contrast a hair, but that was it. for reals, this one is!

purring gryphon toys - box art

The triplets are finally for sale! You can buy them here:

this artwork was produced for the boxes the triplets will come in, one for each colorway.

did i mention you can buy them here?

the happiest guy i know

a little giftart for my friend Rob... rather hastily drawn under atypical conditions, but he was thrilled and thats all that matters...!

ride the manaterror

this was a birthday gift for my best friend :) it's rather hard to explain the story behind this, so uh... i just won't. proud of it though, and she really seemed to like it too!

art spew

some character concepts i did for work... not sure what's being done with these guys, but i am rather fond of them!

haven't posted in awhile, so here we go!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


i enjoyed doing this commission because I got to work in a definite Looney Tunes influenced style.. poor Swiftwind, that fella never catches a break!

winged critter speciesism?

sort of part two to "fk'n birds", this is another method winged critters might employ to get treats.
photo was taken at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, behind the 3 Broomsticks, specifically to draw this. and because i am a dork.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


photo taken at the Saint Petersburg Pier a few weekends ago... lovely day.

also, Tropicana Field rocked. do want :)

stupid "Vampire Beale" cartoons

oh, Bill Compton, how i love to hate you!

some dumb True Blood related doodles... with ideas for more on the way. lord help us all :p

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

the gryphon triplets live!

Frosty, Blaze and Blackheart (because srsly, do you want your child to grow up evil? NAME THEM BLACKHEART)...

Thursday, May 20, 2010


couldn't resist ;)

arctic wolf were (my eyes are on you)

this is a WIP commission for a friend of mine who... well, lets just say he "had a vision"and started to view his SO as an entirely different being. the description i received was long, complicated and almost poetic. i really wanted to do this critter justice. we talked a bit, decided that the beast would be more were-shaped than people shaped, for one. and a large one, definitely powerful, but with a gentle look. gentle, yet confident. friendly, but not tail wagging ridiculousity. i would have preferred to leave the Were pure white, but in his vision the Were that my friend saw had tendrils of earthy green, gold and russet shining through as well. i'll post that version when it's completed.

it's been awhile

sorrysorry, i get caught up in the here and now and sometimes forget about... well, here. uh, yes.

SO great news! I entered yet another contest at, and this time i won! yes, for realsies.
the purring gryphon

i should receive photos of the prototype of my purring gryphon within the next couple of weeks, according to the email i received from the company. i hope to keep the figure no larger than 5 inches tall; i want the cost somewhat low, so i can fill up the preorder slots i'll need and make sure she goes into production. i know part of my prize is store credit, and i will srsly be buying my own toy. no shame in that!

i don't know which colorway we're going with. i also suggested a PYO, maybe that will happen too! who knows ....

Friday, April 2, 2010

Capone's Dinner Theater - 2007

okay, so for some reason I can't find photos of the actual setpieces that I repainted for Capone's Dinner and Show, but i can find a photo of myself onstage doing naughty things to a palm tree. oh my.... really hoping those photos resurface somewhere. That was a 3 day job and the set was enormous!

not my artwork, BUT....

it is a classic XD Nic Cage circa 1990, apparently. lol

Monday, March 15, 2010

hulk needs an adult - 2009

i was being stupid and drew this when i was trying to get the hang of my touchscreen laptop. posting these upon request C:

me - 2009 :p

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a couple more....

the maori tribesbird

kakapo concept art for Patch Together toy


remember, you can vote for Tiaki the kakapo to be made into a toy by clicking the image below!<3
the maori tribesbird

patch together - toy design up for voting!

so, if there is anyone out there who would like to support me in the latest Patch Together contest, please click on the image and vote for my toy to get made!

the maori tribesbird

Friday, March 5, 2010

me 2009

this one needs an update. i need to stop stylizing noses like that, too.

silly TMNT fanart 2007

i was asked to post this. 2007. Leatherhead has teeny hands. Splinter's look is inspired by AC Farley's Splinter, the Peter Laird Splinter, and the outfit and bandages come from the old cartoon.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

mortify (2007)

a happy monstery doggie. Drawn as a birthday gift for an artist buddy of mine.

dead man's party (2008)

cropped version of Dead Man's Party, a digital painting that consumed my soul for a few weeks. I wish I could remember the brush settings that I used on this. the evil dog there is my own Kermit. Artwork for a convention. Reposted here only because I still feel it's one of my better works. I can hardly stand this character otherwise.

trick or treat (2008)

Drawn for a convention. They wanted *annoying movie character* as a werewolf, doing something Halloween-ish.

Monday, February 15, 2010

upsidedown-ish (2008)

Created for use at a convention, but they ended up going with a different design. I still like this image very much. I know I used custom Photoshop brushes for this, but after I reformatted my laptop I lost those brushes and I can't seem to recreate them. Hopefully I will figure that out eventually.

coatimundi on my head (2008)

This entire image from start to finish was done just to show my mother how I worked in Photoshop, hehe. I wanted that Roger Rabbit look. I was in the ballpark, but not as close as I had hoped. Mom was tickled, I think.

modern chimera v 2 (2007)

I revisited this dragon again later on, when I came into possession of a Wacom Intuos 2. This is the first complete character study I did with it, in Open Canvas 2 with the rapid oils tool. And I think goache as well. I look now and still see anatomy failures that could be corrected, but overall I'm still happy with it 3 years later.

modern chimera v 1 (2007)

Issues with the head/neck and wonky musculature aside, this is still one of my favorite drawings to date. The sense of motion has been something I've tried to recapture when drawing this dragon in later years, and I haven't been able to nail it quite like this. I'll get it eventually.

the corgi with the most (2006)

a marker image of my dog in the guise of *annoying movie character*. at the time i was particularly proud of how rotten he looked.

hexadragon 2007

One of many hexadragons I've been commissioned to draw for Ksilebo over the years. This hexacritter is still one of my favorites, although I wasn't a fan of the eyeless bits. It was in the customer's description, though.

motormania 2006

It's not the greatest picture, but it's one of the few photos I have of the Mr Toad themed murals I did at "someone's" house in Cocoa Beach. Luckily I still have a photo of each weasel, and Winky as well. Mr Toad turned out the best, though. he was my favorite character. I assume these were painted over, but I hope they had a hell of a time covering them up ;)

digital dragon 2007

I don't care how old I get, drawing angry dragons will always be fun :)