Monday, December 27, 2010

don't mess with dem birds...

this is NOT i repeat, NOT photoshopped. This picture was taken at Columbia University in new york. the pigeons were very aggressive, as you can see. i was attempting to get a picture of the library (because i am a Ghostbusters nerd) and in the amount of time it took for my phone to focus and take the picture, this bird got in my face, perfectly in frame! i did pull the picture into photoshop to adjust the levels and contrast a hair, but that was it. for reals, this one is!

purring gryphon toys - box art

The triplets are finally for sale! You can buy them here:

this artwork was produced for the boxes the triplets will come in, one for each colorway.

did i mention you can buy them here?

the happiest guy i know

a little giftart for my friend Rob... rather hastily drawn under atypical conditions, but he was thrilled and thats all that matters...!

ride the manaterror

this was a birthday gift for my best friend :) it's rather hard to explain the story behind this, so uh... i just won't. proud of it though, and she really seemed to like it too!

art spew

some character concepts i did for work... not sure what's being done with these guys, but i am rather fond of them!

haven't posted in awhile, so here we go!