Thursday, May 20, 2010


couldn't resist ;)

arctic wolf were (my eyes are on you)

this is a WIP commission for a friend of mine who... well, lets just say he "had a vision"and started to view his SO as an entirely different being. the description i received was long, complicated and almost poetic. i really wanted to do this critter justice. we talked a bit, decided that the beast would be more were-shaped than people shaped, for one. and a large one, definitely powerful, but with a gentle look. gentle, yet confident. friendly, but not tail wagging ridiculousity. i would have preferred to leave the Were pure white, but in his vision the Were that my friend saw had tendrils of earthy green, gold and russet shining through as well. i'll post that version when it's completed.

it's been awhile

sorrysorry, i get caught up in the here and now and sometimes forget about... well, here. uh, yes.

SO great news! I entered yet another contest at, and this time i won! yes, for realsies.
the purring gryphon

i should receive photos of the prototype of my purring gryphon within the next couple of weeks, according to the email i received from the company. i hope to keep the figure no larger than 5 inches tall; i want the cost somewhat low, so i can fill up the preorder slots i'll need and make sure she goes into production. i know part of my prize is store credit, and i will srsly be buying my own toy. no shame in that!

i don't know which colorway we're going with. i also suggested a PYO, maybe that will happen too! who knows ....